Successful visually guided behavior requires information about spatiotopic (i.e., world-centered) locations, but how accurately is this information actually derived from initial retinotopic (i.e., eye-centered) visual input? We conducted a spatial working memory task in which subjects remembered a cued location in spatiotopic or retinotopic coordinates while making guided eye movements during the memory delay. Surprisingly, after a saccade, subjects were significantly more accurate and precise at reporting retinotopic locations than spatiotopic locations. This difference grew with each eye movement, such that spatiotopic memory continued to deteriorate, whereas retinotopic memory did not accumulate error. The loss in spatiotopic fidelity is therefore not a generic consequence of eye movements, but a direct result of converting visual information from native retinotopic coordinates. Thus, despite our conscious experience of an effortlessly stable spatiotopic world and our lifetime of practice with spatiotopic tasks, memory is actually more reliable in raw retinotopic coordinates than in ecologically relevant spatiotopic coordinates.egocentric representation | gaze-centered representation | remapping | transsaccadic memory | reference frame T o catch a ball, reach for a cup of coffee, or find a friend in a crowd, we need to first determine the object's location. However, a fundamental challenge complicates this seemingly effortless task: visual input arrives at the eyes in retinotopic (i.e., eyecentered) coordinates, but visually guided behavior requires information about spatiotopic (i.e., world-centered) locations. How do we adapt retinotopic input to support spatiotopic behavior?One possibility is that we simply "act in the moment" and recreate the visual world anew with each fixation (1, 2). However, this option is feasible only in cases in which visual information is constantly present; it would clearly fail in cases in which something must be remembered, attended, or compared across an eye movement. When we do need to maintain spatial information across an eye movement, it is an object's location in the world, not its location on our retinae, that is generally relevant for behavior. To keep track of real-world object locations across eye movements, we can imagine two types of solutions. The first possibility is that, in addition to early retinotopic maps, there also exists somewhere in the brain a "hard-wired spatiotopic" map.* This idea is appealing because the initial retinotopic location of an object could be immediately translated into spatiotopic coordinates (using eye position information) and stored as a spatiotopic position. Thus, spatiotopic position would need to be computed only once, † after which it would remain stable regardless of subsequent changes in eye position. Indeed, spatiotopic effects have been reported behaviorally (3-7) and physiologically (8). However, these effects do not necessarily require an explicit hard-wired spatiotopic map, and evidence for such large-scale, explicit spatio...