In Experiment I rats received 10 consecutive daily injections of either apomorphine hydrochloride or NaCI followed by 4 days of saccharin solution exposure paired with apomorphine or NaCl injections. Relative consumption of saccharin solution and water during conditioning indicated that preconditioning apomorphine DCS habituation retarded acquisition of a conditioned saccharin aversion. In Experiment II rats received 6 days of saccharin solution ~xposure paired with injections of either apomorphine hydrochloride or NaCl, then 10 daily injections of either apomorphine hydrochloride or NaCl, followed by 4 days of saccharin preference testing (no drug injections). Post conditioning apomorphine DCS habituation did not interfere with retention of saccharin aversion acquired in initial conditioning phase. These results showed that novelty of DCS is crucial in acquisition of but not retention of conditioned taste aversions.For classical conditioning in general and conditioned taste aversion learning in particular, habituation to an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) prior to conditioning attenuates degree of conditioning expressed as either retarded acquisition or reduced resistance to extinction. For example, retarded acquisition of a conditioned response following preconditioning UCS habituation was found in human eyelid conditioning (MacDonald, 1946;Taylor, 1956), in rabbit nictitating membrane conditioning (Mis & Moore, 1973; Siegel & Domjan, 1971), and in conditioned suppression (Kremer, 1971; Siegel & Domjan, 1971). Rescorla (l973) reported reduced resistance to extinction and not retarded acquisition of conditioned suppression as a result of preconditioning noise UCS habituation. Regarding conditioned taste aversion learning, both retarded acquisition (Cannon, Berman, Baker, & Atkinson, 1975;leBlanc & Cappell, 1974) and reduced resistance to extinction (Elkins, 1974) have resulted from preconditioning ues habituation using ethanol, lithium chloride, cyclophosamide, morphine, or amphetamine as drug UCSs. Experiment I investigated acquisition of conditioned taste aversion as a function of preconditioning UCS habituation when an apomorphine hydrochloride ues was used.
Attenuation of conditioning by DCS habituationis not limited to ues habituation done prior to conditioning, for ues habituation administered following conditioning has been found to reduce resistance to extinction of conditioned suppression in rats (Rescorla, 1973 of retention of a conditioned aversion following the same number of apomorphine ues habituation trials administered in Experiment I.
EXPERIMENT IMethod Subjects. The subjects were 32 male Sprague-Dawley rats 49 days old at the beginning of the experiment, with a mean body weight of 205 g.Apparatus. Animals were housed in test boxes which had three adjacent holes, 65 mm apart, and clips for insertion of graduated Richter tubes. The saccharin solution contained 1 g of sodium saccharin in 1 liter of distilled water (.1 % sodium saccharin solution). The apomorphine hydrochloride injections consist...