1Published reference: Linden, M.A., Braiden, HJ., and Miller, S. (2013). Educational professionals understanding of childhood traumatic brain injury. Brain injury, 27(1): [92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102] Educational professionals' understanding of childhood traumatic brain injury.
AbstractPrimary objectives: To determine the understanding of educational professionals around the topic of childhood brain injury, and explore the factor structure of the Common
Misconceptions about Traumatic Brain Injury Questionnaire (CM-TBI).Research design: Cross sectional postal survey.
Methods and procedures:The CM-TBI was posted to all educational establishments in one region of the United Kingdom. One representative from each school was asked to complete and return the questionnaire (N = 388).
Main outcomes and results:Differences were demonstrated between those participants who knew someone with a brain injury and those who did not, with a similar pattern being shown for those educators who had taught a child with brain injury. Participants who had taught a child with brain injury demonstrated greater knowledge in areas such as seatbelts/prevention, brain damage, brain injury sequelae, amnesia, recovery, and rehabilitation. Principal components analysis suggested the existence of four factors and the discarding of half the original items of the questionnaire.
Conclusions:In the first European study to explore this issue, we highlight that teachers are ill prepared to cope with children who have sustained a brain injury. Given the importance of 2 a supportive school environment in return to life following hospitalisation, the lack of understanding demonstrated by teachers in this research may significantly impact on a successful return to school.