The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a “resource for everyday living, not the objective of living”; however, worldwide, there remains an unmistakable inequity in level of health and access to healthcare. The WHO has published documents on financing health systems towards universal health coverage [1], promoting healthy life [2], improving performance of health systems [3], and enriching humanity [4], highlighting our shared responsibility towards improving both national and global health and access to healthcare. These documents also recognize that, despite our local and regional priorities, there is a global desire to develop international strategies to improve healthcare.
[1] WHO Report. Health systems financing and the path to universal coverage. 2010.
[2] WHO Report. Reducing risks, promoting healthy life. 2002.
[3] WHO Bulletin. Health systems: improving performance. 2000.
[4] WHO Bulletin. Conquering suffering, enriching humanity 1997.