“…In terms of 'contextualising' the debate on CSR in transition economies, the research conducted so far supports Campbell's (2007) view that institutions shape the nature of CSR in a country, hence studies vary in focus. Many papers are country specific (Apressyan 1997, Bohatá 1997, Al-Khatib et al 2004, Jaffe & Tsimerman 2005, Korka 2005, Kooskora 2006, 2008a, b, Ryan 2006, Soboleva 2006, Alas & Tafel 2008, Pučetaite & Lämsä 2008, Stoian & Zaharia 2009, Pučetaite et al 2010; other studies adopt a comparative approach between several post-communist economies with the aim of identifying common CSR issues as well as crosscountry differences in adoption of CSR (Rees & Miazhevch 2008); finally, some papers adopt a comparative approach between CSR in transition countries and CSR in the West (Grubisić & Goić 1998, Koleva et al 2010. This latter strand of literature argues that CSR in transition economies is different from that in the 'West' (Steurer & Konrad 2009).…”