This study reports the design results of developing model of social studies learning based on local wisdom. Learning design adapted to learning needs in elementary school. The presentation report contains the results of expert evaluation, teacher and student assessments and assessment of the results of the implementation of the product learning model developed. The Product model produced is seen to be in accordance with learning needs. The results of the development research showed that: first, testing the effectiveness model of social studies learning based on local wisdom is feasible from an expert perspective; second, testing the effectiveness model of social studies learning based on local wisdom is feasible from the user's perspective; third, testing the effectiveness model of social studies learning based on local wisdom can improve the knowledge and social attitudes students class IV at SDN 6 Katobu and SDN 3 Batalaiworu in odd semester of the school year 2017/2018 in the Muna District Southeast Sulawesi Province. Overall, the author concluded that social studies learning based on local wisdom was a regeneration of knowledge of the values of local wisdom in students from an early age, so become cultured and have guidance in their attitude. Thus, created noble knowledge and character.