We report for the first time on the anticorrelated emission of high-order harmonics and energetic electron beams from a solid-density plasma with a sharp vacuum interface−plasma mirror−driven by an intense ultrashort laser pulse. We highlight the key role played by the nanoscale structure of the plasma surface during the interaction by measuring the spatial and spectral properties of harmonics and electron beams emitted by a plasma mirror. We show that the nanoscale behavior of the plasma mirror can be controlled by tuning the scale length of the electronic density gradient, which is measured in-situ using spatial-domain interferometry.PACS numbers: 52.38. Kd,52.38.Ph Over the past 30 years, solid-density plasmas driven by intense femtosecond (fs) pulses, so-called plasma mirrors, have been successfully tested as a source of high-order harmonics and attosecond XUV pulses in a number of experiments [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10], where the laser intensity typically exceeds a few 10 14 W/cm 2 . Other experiments have shown it is also possible to accelerate energetic electrons from plasma mirrors for intensities above 10 16 W/cm 2 [11-13]. Attempting to understand each of these experimental observations invariably points to the key role played by the plasma-vacuum interface during the interaction both on the nanoscale spatially and on the sub-laser-cycle scale temporally [14,15].It is commonly assumed that the electronic density at the plasma mirror surface decreases exponentially from solid to vacuum over a distance L g , also called density gradient. When the laser pulse reflects on this plasma mirror, for every oscillation of the laser field, some electrons are driven towards vacuum and sent back to the plasma [16,17]. These bunches of so-called Brunel electrons [18] impulsively excite collective high-frequency plasma oscillations in the density gradient that lead to the emission of XUV radiation through linear mode conversion [19]. As illustrated in Fig 1(a), each position x of the plasma behaves as a nanoscale oscillator of frequency ω p (x) = ω 0 n e (x)/n c where ω 0 is the driving laser angular frequency, n e the local electronic density at position x and n c the critical density. This periodic mechanism, called Coherent Wake Emission (CWE), leads to efficient high harmonics generation for very short plasma scale lengths, typically L g ∼ λ/100 [19], even for subrelativistic intensities, a 0 < 1, where a 0 = eA 0 /mc is the normalized vector potential, e and m the electron charge and mass and c the speed of light. However, the efficiency significantly drops for L g >> λ/20