IntroductionWhen matter is exposed to intense non-relativistic laser fields, ionization takes place; the irradiated material is turned into plasma, which absorbs energy from the laser field resulting in the heating and acceleration of charged plasma particles. Non-relativistic light-matter interaction encompasses a broad spectrum of applications. Lasers can be used for micro-machining and modification of materials, such as metals and dielectrics [1,2]. Whereas micro-machining is of interest for high-precision industrial applications, material modification can be used to write channels into dielectrics for the realization of 3D microfluidic chips [3] or 3D integrated photonic devices for telecommunication [4]. On the other hand, the interaction of lasers and nano-objects, such as clusters and nano-layers, is of great interest for the realization of pulsed X-ray, electron, ion, and neutron sources [5]. In a laser-induced nano-plasma, a significant portion of the heated electrons leave, resulting in a positive charge up of the target and subsequent space charge acceleration of the ions. In such a hot and charged plasma, X-ray radiation is created by electron recombination. Nuclear processes can also take place during ion collisions resulting in the generation of neutrons and other nuclear particles. Finally-when irradiated at somewhat lower intensities below the damage threshold-nanostructures in general exhibit strong coherent field enhancement that is of interest for high-harmonic generation, low energy electron acceleration, and attosecond near-field microscopy [6-10]. These processes, as well as those mentioned so far, take place in the realm of strongly coupled plasma physics, where the use of traditional plasma tools-developed for weakly coupled plasmas-becomes questionable.Modelling the interaction processes between laser light and strongly coupled plasmas is challenging. To model strongly coupled plasmas, the classical trajectories of all electrons and ions have to be traced. On the one hand, microscopic processes such as collisions have to be fully resolved, requiring a space resolution of about one atomic unit (0.529 Å). On the other hand, wave propagation phenomena need to be captured, which takes place on the order of the laser wavelength;