ABSTRACT( -) -Disparlure reduced: (1) the durations of anemotactic flights of mate gypsy moths, Lyman/ria dispar (L.), in plumes of (+) -disparlure; (2) the rate of moth flight with respect to a moving floor pattern; and (3) the percentage of moths initiating anemotactic flights. The effects of (-)-disparlure were much more apparent on in-flight than pre-flight behavior.Field tests (Vite et al. 1976, Miller et al. 1977, Carde et al. 1977 with 2 different synthetic preparations of disparlure (cis-7,8-epoxy-2-methyloctadecane) enantiomers (Iwaki et al. 1974, Morl et at. 1976 proved that: higWy optically pure (+)-disparlure is very attractive to male gypsy moths, Lyman/ria dispar (L.); and when (-) -is combined with (+) -disparlure, trap catches are greatly reduced, i.e., racemic (±)-disparlure caught ca. 10 times fewer males than did (+) -disparlure.The step(s) in the behavioral sequence of attraction to a trap affected by (-) -disparlure remained unknown.Activation bioassays measuring wingfanning (Yamada et al. 1976) revealed little difference in the activities elicited by (+) -and (±)-disparlure, suggesting that the effect on sexual behavior exerted by the (-) enantiomer must be more apparent at some point after initial stimulation of resting moths.As a means of documenting further the effects of ( -) -disparlure on gypsy moth sexual behavior we have used a sustained-flight tunnel to analyze both the pre-flight and in-flight sexual behavior elicited by (+) -and (-) -disparlure and their mixtures.
Materials and MethodsAll experiments were conducted with laboratoryreared male gypsy moths supplied by the USDA Gypsy Moth Methods Development Laboratory, Otis AFB, Mass. Shipped pupae were placed in 40x40x 47-cm screened cages and held at 23°C and ca. 70% RH under a 16:8 LID photoperiod. Emerged males were held at the above conditions and used 2-5 days post-eclosion.Experiments were conducted 3-9 h prior to scotophase in the sustained-flight tunnel previously described by Miller and Roelofs (1978). A wind velocity of 65 cm sec-' was maintained throughout the experiments and temperatures were held between 22°-26°C.The enantiomers of disparlure, synthesized and supplied by Mod et al. (1976) paper placed edgewise to the wind and positioned 18 cm above the canvas belt floor.In trapping tests, baited Pherocon™ Ie traps opened to 11 cm and having both a sticky top and bottom (Miller et al. 1977) were hung one at a time at the upwind end of the flight tunnel at ca. 40 cm above the tunnel floor. In a test of their relative attractancy, traps baited with (+)-and (±)-disparlure were alternated. Release cages containing 5 male gypsy moths were inserted into the chemical plumes and opened allowing responding males to fly to the traps.In choice tests, 2 chemical treatments positioned 10 cm apart were introduced into the flight tunnel at once. Smoke generated from sources soaked with titanium tetrachloride demonstrated that resultant plumes were discrete over the upwind half of the tunnel and contiguous near the downwind end. Moths...