The research question considers a gap between modern requirements to education under the conditions of implementation of federal state educational standards of new generation and introduction of a new professional standard of the teacher and quality of pedagogical education. The article is devoted to one of the stages of a complex research, the main objective of which is creation of complete multilevel model of training of the teacher for the new school focused on implementation of modern requirements into the system of general education. The purpose of this stage is to detect the deficiencies of teacher's training at the current stage from the point of view of various participants of the educational process, as well as to define the key ways to their elimination. For these purposes to be met the following was used: theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis of standard documentation and pedagogical literature), empirical (measurement, comparison), and also methods of statistical processing of results of a research.At this stage of the investigation, the result of this research is to define weaknesses in the existing system of teacher's training from points of view of heads of educational institutions, practicing teachers and pupils and also to develop a system of measures aimed at the improvement of pedagogical education for the purpose of increasing quality.