Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loading from the Mississippi/ Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB) has been linked to hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. To describe where and from what sources those loads originate, SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) models were constructed for the MARB using geospatial datasets for 2002, including inputs from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), and calibration sites throughout the MARB. Previous studies found that highest N and P yields were from the north-central part of the MARB (Corn Belt). Based on the MARB SPARROW models, highest N yields were still from the Corn Belt but centered over Iowa and Indiana, and highest P yields were widely distributed throughout the center of the MARB. Similar to that found in other studies, agricultural inputs were found to be the largest N and P sources throughout most of the MARB: farm fertilizers were the largest N source, whereas farm fertilizers, manure, and urban inputs were dominant P sources. The MARB models enable individual N and P sources to be defined at scales ranging from SPARROW catchments (~50 km 2 ) to the entire area of the MARB. Inputs of P from WWTPs and urban areas were more important than found in most other studies. Information from this study will help to reduce nutrient loading from the MARB by providing managers with a description of where each of the sources of N and P are most important, thus providing a basis for prioritizing management actions and ultimately reducing the extent of Gulf hypoxia.
SPARROW Models Used to Understand Nutrient Sources in the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River BasinDale M. Robertson* and David A. Saad N utrients (primarily nitrogen, N, and phosphorus, P) directly input into streams or exported from agricultural and urban areas can lead to local problems, such as the overabundance of benthic algae, phytoplankton, and macrophytes, and downstream problems, such as eutrophication of lakes, estuaries, and bays. Excess N and P exported from local drainages located throughout the entire Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB) have been linked to hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico (USEPA, 2000). The Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone (the area with bottom water having dissolved oxygen concentrations <2 mg/L) is the second-largest human-caused zone of hypoxia in the world's coastal waters (Scavia and Evans, 2012). Hypoxia in the Gulf was originally thought to be driven by excessive N loading (primarily nitrate); however, recent studies found that P limitation is also occurring in near-shore regions because the excessive N loading has dramatically altered N:P ratios (USEPA, 2007). The Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force (2008) established the goal of reducing the 5-yr moving average areal extent of the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone to <5000 km 2 . To achieve that goal, the USEPA Science Advisory Board found that a dual strategy is needed that achieves at least a 45% reduction in both N and P loading from the MARB from the average annual 1980-1996 fluxes (USEPA, 20...