Underfoot haptics, a largely unexplored area, offers rich tactile information close to that of hand-based interactions. Haptic feedback gives a sense of physicality to virtual environments, making for a more realistic and immersive experience. Augmented Virtuality offers the ability to render virtual materials on a physical object, or haptic proxy, without the user being aware of the object’s physical appearance while seeing their own body. In this research, we investigate how the visual appearance of physical objects can be altered virtually to impact the tactile perception of the object. An Augmented Virtuality system was developed to explore this, and two tactile perception experiments, consisting of 18 participants, were conducted. Specifically, we explore whether changing the visual appearance of materials affects a person’s underfoot tactile perception and which tactile perception is most affected by the change through a within-subjects experiment. Additionally, the study examines whether people are aware of changes in visual appearance when focused on other tasks through a between-subjects experiment. The study showed that a change in visual appearance significantly impacts the tactile perception of roughness. Matching visual appearance to physical materials was found to increase awareness of tactile perception.