The ubiquity of digital technology has facilitated detailed recording of human behaviour. Ambient technology has been used to capture behaviours in a broad range of applications ranging from healthcare and monitoring to assessment of cooperative work. However, existing systems often face challenges in terms of autonomy, usability, and privacy. This paper presents a portable, easy-to-use and privacy-preserving system for capturing behavioural signals unobtrusively in home or in office settings. The system focuses on the capture of audio, video, and depth imaging. It is based on a device built on a small-factor platform that incorporates ambient sensors which can be integrated with the audio and depth video hardware for multimodal behaviour tracking. The system can be accessed remotely and integrated into a network of sensors. Data are encrypted in real time to ensure safety and privacy. We illustrate uses of the device in two different settings, namely, a healthy-ageing IoT application, where the device is used in conjunction with a range of IoT sensors to monitor an older person’s mental well-being at home, and a healthcare communication quality assessment application, where the device is used to capture a patient–clinician interaction for consultation quality appraisal. CUSCO can automatically detect active speakers, extract acoustic features, record video and depth streams, and recognise emotions and cognitive impairment with promising accuracy.