“…To determine information flow after AV stimulation, we used latency maps obtained in individual subjects' native space. For each subject, we defined anatomical ROIs (see below) in brain regions known to be involved in AV process- ing, including Heschl's gyrus (van Atteveldt et al, 2004(van Atteveldt et al, , 2007, superior temporal gyrus (STG) (Hein et al, 2007), middle temporal gyrus (MTG) (Beauchamp et al, 2004), IFC (Belardinelli et al, 2004;Taylor et al, 2006;Hein et al, 2007), secondary visual cortex [inferior occipital cortex (IOC)] (Belardinelli et al, 2004), and primary visual cortex (V1) (Meienbrock et al, 2007).…”