This paper deals with expressive speech synthesis in a dialogue. Dialogue acts -discrete expressive categories -are used for expressivity description. The aim of the work is to create a procedure for development of expressive speech synthesis for a dialogue system in a limited domain. The domain is here limited to dialogues between a human and a computer on a given topic of reminiscing about personal photographs. To incorporate expressivity into synthetic speech, modifications of current algorithms used for neutral speech synthesis are made. An expressive speech corpus is recorded, annotated using a predefined set of dialogue acts, and its acoustic analysis is performed. Unit selection and HMM-based methods are used to synthesize expressive speech, and an evaluation using listening tests is presented. The listeners asses two basic aspects of synthetic expressive speech for isolated utterances: speech quality and expressivity perception. The evaluation is also performed for utterances in a dialogue to asses appropriateness of synthetic expressive speech. It can be concluded that synthetic expressive speech is rated positively even though it is of worse quality when comparing with the neutral speech synthesis. However, synthetic expressive speech is able to transmit expressivity to listeners and to improve the naturalness of the synthetic speech.Povzetek: Razvita je metoda za izrazno govorno sintezo včeščini.