Nurses caring for hospitalized children with long-term ventilator dependence (LTVD) assess family management capability and teach new skills through communication with family caregivers. This theoretically-based quantitative, descriptive study aimed to determine the communication behaviors associated with family caregiver uncertainty and management of the child with LTVD’s care after discharge. One hundred families and 48 nurses enrolled. Family caregiver-nurse conversations were recorded and transcripts coded for communication behaviors. Family management and uncertainty data were gathered during hospitalization and after discharge. Data analysis included correlations and linear mixed models. Family caregivers and nurses used advocating and negotiating roles communication behaviors least frequently; however, these communication behaviors were associated with the most aspects in terms of uncertainty about the child’s condition and ease of management of the child’s care after discharge to home. Nurses should assess family caregiver ease in managing care, provide support, and engage in collaborative problem-solving through respectful communication.