Palatalisation is a well-known phonological process and a repairing strategy in the Tiv phonology which has not been adequately explored. Palatalisation in the Tiv phonology examines the phonotactic constraints of palatalisation and explores the functions that palatalisation performs in the Tiv phonology. This study has adopted Generative Phonological Model that was jointly co-authored by Chomsky and Halle’s (1968) Sound Patterns of English (SPE). The study used participant-observation instrument in this study. The study used both primary and secondary materials for gathering of data. In this study, the researcher got raw data, transcribed, translated and classed them into phonotactic constraints and functions of palatalisation in Tiv. From this study, it has been discovered that Tiv palatalisation has phonetic and orthographic classes; palatalisation results in consonant clusters, pluralisation, epenthesis, deletion and metathesis; palatalisation is a phonological process, secondary articulation and phonological change. The study is, therefore, recommended to scholars, lecturers and writers who are learning, teaching, researching and writing scholarly works on Linguistics, Nigerian and African Languages and English Language.