Categories are fundamental to everyday life and the ability to learn new categories is relevant across the lifespan. Categories are ubiquitous across modalities, supporting complex processes such as object recognition and speech perception. Prior work has proposed that categories with different learning requirements may engage distinct learning and memory systems (e.g., explicit, procedural) with unique developmental trajectories. There is a limited understanding of how the development of perceptual and cognitive abilities in childhood influences category learning as prior studies have focused on learning in separate participants in a single modality. The current study presents a comprehensive assessment of category learning in 8-12-year-old children and adults. Across multiple sessions, each participant learned categories across modalities (auditory, visual) that tap into different learning systems (explicit, procedural). Unsurprisingly, adults outperformed children across all tasks. However, this enhanced performance was not symmetrical across categories and modalities. Adults far outperformed children in learning visual explicit categories and auditory procedural categories, with fewer differences across development for auditory explicit categories and visual procedural categories. Adults’ general benefit over children was due to enhanced efficiency of information processing, while the especially superior performance in the visual explicit and auditory procedural tasks was due to needing less information to make a decision. Overall, these results demonstrate an interaction between perceptual and cognitive development that influences learning in problems that are relevant for learning of real-world categories such as speech sounds and letter-phoneme categories in reading.