He Joined the company in 1959 as a radiochemist. His current work is directed toward developing advanced techniques for semiconductor materials characterization using electron beam (scanning Auger) and in microprobe techniques for chemical imperfections. X-ray topography, and scanning transmission electron microscopy techniques for physical imperfections. Larrabee earned a B.Sc. from the University ol Bishop's College In Quebec and an M.Sc. in chemistry from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. He has published in analytical, electrochemical, and instrumentation journals and contributed chaplers In books. He has coauthored a book on the characterization of semiconductor materials and coedited a book on the characterization of solid surfaces. Larrabee is a member of the ACS, Electrochemical Society, SAS, and the Dallas Society of Analytical Chemists. R. Allen Bowling received his B.S. In Chemistry from the University ol Alabama and a Ph.D. In Chemistry from ihe University of Tennessee.He held an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral research position at the Institute ol Inorganic Chemistry, University of Frankfurt, West Germany, from March 1979 to July 1980. He joined Texas Instruments Incorporated in September 1980 as a process control engineer in a semiconductor processing area. In January 1982, he became a member of the technical staff in the Materials Characterization Branch of the Materials Science Laboratory of Texas Instruments, where he is presently responsible for Auger and XPS instrumentation. Bowling is a member of the Electrochemical Society and the American Vacuum Society.