Anterior cruciate ligament rupture is more common nowadays and it can lead to cartilage degeneration and osteoarthritis [1]. Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is frequent [2] and one of the challenging work in tissue engineering [3]. Anterior cruciate ligament is important for maintenance of knee movement [4]. ACL do not heal itself because of its intrinsically poor healing potential and surgical mediation is usually required [5,6]. Allograft and autograft were used for ACL reconstruction [7,8]. Due to several drawbacks of allograft and autograft synthetic grafts are the main option for ACL reconstruction [9]. Ligaments are made of bands of strong collagenous connective tissue. These paralleled collagen bundles attached to each other by crosslinking [10]. Mesenchymal cells produce this type of tissue; it can diferentiate into ibroblast cells. These ibroblast cells again diferentiate into ibrocytes cells. After maturation of ibrocytes they become inactive and produce ligaments. Ligaments attach two bones together at a joint, prevent dislocations of the joints, and restrain the movements of the joints. Ligaments contain two-thirds water and one-third solid. Collagen is the solid component of the ligament basically collagen types I and rests of the types are III, VI, XI and XIV. To maintain a considerable range of mechanical and biological properties of soft tissues, related organ systems, and bone collagen plays a vital role [11]. Structure of ACL ACL is not isometric [12]. ACL is made of collagen bundles which are paralleled and cross linked to each other. These bundles vary the tension among the ibers of the ligament [13]. Fibroblasts are joined to the bundles individually. It can produce new