For a Legendrian link Ξ β π½ 1 π with π = β or π 1 , immersed exact Lagrangian fillings πΏ β Symp(π½ 1 π) β
π * (β >0 Γ π) of Ξ can be lifted to conical Legendrian fillings Ξ£ β π½ 1 (β >0 Γ π) of Ξ. When Ξ£ is embedded, using the version of functoriality for Legendrian contact homology (LCH) from Pan and Rutherford [J. Symplectic Geom. 19 (2021), no. 3, 635-722], for each augmentation πΌ βΆ ξ(Ξ£) β β€β2 of the LCH algebra of Ξ£, there is an induced augmentation π (Ξ£,πΌ) βΆ ξ(Ξ) β β€β2. With Ξ£ fixed, the set of homotopy classes of all such induced augmentations, πΌ Ξ£ β π΄π’π(Ξ)ββΌ, is a Legendrian isotopy invariant of Ξ£. We establish methods to compute πΌ Ξ£ based on the correspondence between MCFs and augmentations. This includes developing a functoriality for the cellular differential graded algebra from Rutherford and Sullivan [Adv. Math. 374 (2020), 107348, 71 pp.] with respect to Legendrian cobordisms, and proving its equivalence to the functoriality for LCH. For arbitrary π β©Ύ 1, we give examples of Legendrian torus knots with 2π distinct conical Legendrian fillings distinguished by their induced augmentation sets. We prove that when π β 1 and Ξ β π½ 1 β, every π-graded augmentation of Ξ can be induced in this manner by an immersed Lagrangian filling. Alternatively, this is viewed as a computation of cobordism classes for an appropriate notion of π-graded augmented Legendrian cobordism.M S C 2 0 2 0 53D42 (primary)