For decades, there have been discussions on measures of merits (MOM) that include measures of effectiveness (MOE) and measures of performance (MOP) for system-level performance. As the amount of sensed and collected data becomes increasingly large, there is a need to look at the architectures, metrics, and processes that provide the best methods for decision support systems. In this paper, we overview some information fusion methods in decision support and address the capability to measure the effects of the fusion products on user functions. The current standard Information Fusion model is the Data Fusion Information Group (DFIG) model that specifically addresses the needs of the user in an information fusion system. Decision support implies that information methods augment user decision making as opposed to the machine making the decision and displaying it to user. We develop a list of suggested measures of merits that facilitate decision support decision support Measures of Effectiveness (MOE) metrics of quality, information gain, and robustness, from the analysis based on the measures of performance (MOPs) of timeliness, accuracy, confidence, throughput, and cost. We demonstrate in an example with motion imagery to support the MOEs of quality (time/decision confidence plots), information gain (completeness of annotated imagery for situation awareness), and robustness through analysis of imagery over time and repeated looks for enhanced target identification confidence.