The paper compares the development of agricultural and arable land in the Czech Republic between 2000 and 2020. It has been found that the area of agricultural and arable land had decreased. Obviously, the legal norms that are supposed to ensure its protection are not observed in practice and that there can always be found a reason to grant an exception. The paper also examines the development of the prices of agricultural and arable land in selected EU countries between the years 2000 and 2018. In all cases examined, price growth has been recorded. The area of vacant land is decreasing; therefore, the people interested in its purchase are willing to pay high prices. In the paper, the development of organic farming in the CR from the 1990s until present is addressed. There has been a massive development of this way of farming. This could be considered positive, since organic farming is beneficial for the environment, farm animals, and consumers, who can get quality food.