Background: Bibliometric analyses are a tool employed by researchers and funding agencies to establish the most important areas of research in a particular field, and to determine which foci need increased research attention. Such analyses have been published in a variety of clinical specialties; however, a detailed literature search showed that no such study has been done for “myeloid neoplasms.” In order to bridge this gap, we conducted a citation analysis of the 100 most influential articles on myeloid neoplasms. Methods: Two independent researchers extracted relevant articles from the Scopus database. These articles were then ranked in descending order of citations and a list of the top 100 original articles was made. A further, more detailed list was created containing significant discriminating characteristics. Results: The top cited articles were published over a period of 47 years, with most of them being published in the 5-year interval of 2001–2005. The citations ranged from 636 to 4,039. The articles originated from 28 different countries. Most of the articles were published in high-impact journals. Conclusion: Our analysis sheds light on the quality of work and driving trends, listing the most cited and impactful guideline articles within this field and aiding clinicians.