Both social dominance orientation (SDO) and right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) are assumed to be general and relatively stable psychological orientations that individuals 'carry with them' from context to context, influencing responses to salient forms of intergroup inequality and domination. In two experimental studies we tested the relative stability of SDO (Studies 1 and 2) and RWA (Study 1). That is, we examined whether people who score relatively high on SDO/RWA in one context tend to support intergroup hierarchy and domination in other contexts. To do so, we manipulated the salience of different intergroup relationships before measuring SDO and RWA, and then observed the associations among these constructs and attitudes toward specific intergroup relationships and legitimizing ideologies (support for war, conservatism, heterosexism, and religious fundamentalism). Contrary to the assumption of relative stability, the extent to which SDO and RWA were related to these specific attitudes and ideologies varied markedly depending on the experimental context. These results highlight the contextual basis and meaning of individuals' expressed support for group-based dominance. Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Individual difference approaches to prejudice view support for various forms of group-based inequality and domination as resulting, at least in part, from individuals' relatively stable orientations toward intergroup relations in general. Two of the most researched individual difference predictors of prejudice are right-wing authoritarianism (RWA; Altemeyer, 1998) and social dominance orientation (SDO; Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). Numerous studies with samples from around the world provide evidence consistent with the view that RWA and SDO are relatively enduring aspects of individual psychology that have a general influence over responses to intergroup conflict, encouraging support for multiple forms of group-based domination and inequality. However, recent evidence has called into question both the stability and generality of SDO and RWA, suggesting that scores on these measures