“…The association between sensitive caregiving practices and secure child attachment has mixed support in samples of children with ASD (Ijzendoorn, Rutgers, Bakermans‐Kranenburg, et al, ; Koren‐Karie, Oppenheim, Dolev, & Yirmiya, ), suggesting that the difficulties in social communication characteristic of ASD may pose a challenge for children and parents alike in understanding and predicting each other's behaviour and intent. Further, issues surrounding the similar symptomatology of autism and disorders of attachment present an ongoing challenge for researchers and clinicians alike in determining whether or not the two conditions are related, and how best to differentiate each condition using standardized measures (Davidson et al, ; Green, ; Mayes, Calhoun, Waschbusch, & Baweja, ; McKenzie & Dallos, ; Teague et al, ).…”