We report observations on the early hydration of tricalcium aluminate, the most reactive component of Portland cement, using rapid-energy dispersive diffraction on a high brilliance synchrotron source. In situ observations of the hydration process over short time scales, and through bulk samples, reveal an intermediate calcium aluminate hydrate appearing just prior to the formation of the final stable hydrate, demonstrating the nucleating role of this intermediate. The superior quality of the data is sufficient to yield concentration versus time plots for each phase over the whole hydration sequence. This improvement derives from being able to use smaller diffracting volumes and consequent removal of time smearing due to inhomogenetics, and thus now offers the possibility of extending the technique in terms of time resolution and diversity of system. ͓S0163-1829͑96͒51022-2͔Third generation synchrotron radiation sources are now providing intense beams of high-energy x-ray photons with collimation characteristics that can be exploited in the study of reactions within bulk solid state materials. For example, the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ͑ESRF͒ has a source size of circa 120ϫ250 m, a very high brilliance and usable energies up to 200 keV for diffraction purposes. In the studies reported here the samples were exposed to fluxes of the order of 10 12 photons per second per mm 2 in a 0.1% bandwidth at 50 keV. This represents an increase of 50-100 compared to equivalent experimental fluxes using second generation sources.Given these features we can now use synchrotron methods to look at much faster solid-state transformations than previously. The hydration of Portland cement, the reactive binder in concretes 1 for construction and in grouts for oil field engineering, 2 at first appears to be slow, reacting with water on a time scale of hours and developing final strength over many months. 3,4 Nevertheless there is evidence, such as from adiabatic calorimetry 5 and environmental scanning electron microscopy, 6 of some intense chemical and microstructural activity over the first few minutes following the initial contact between water and the anhydrous cement. However the direct observation of critical rapid mineralogical changes in dense cement pastes on the time scale of seconds has only now become possible by use of the latest synchrotron technology.It has long been known 4,7 that the early hydration of Portland cement, i.e., the first few hours after mixing with water, is greatly influenced by the behavior of its most reactive component, tricalcium aluminate, or ''C 3 A'' for short. Its hydration reactions can be conveniently expressed using a cement chemistry shorthand ͑e.g., see Taylor 7,8 ͒ in which the various phases are written in terms of the oxides ͑CϭCaO; AϭAl 2 O 3 ; HϭH 2 O͒. Using this shorthand, we can summarize key parts of the hydration process in terms of the formation of several hydrates