have communicating branches, by which the VZV could involve multiple cranial nerves. 8 Inflammation and edema of the multiple nerves might play a major role in the course of Ramsay-Hunt syndrome. These might be the reasons for the patient's multiple cranial nerve involvement. Due to the early application of antiviral agents and glucocorticosteroid, or a younger age or the acupuncture and infrared physiotherapy, he recovered faster than many cases in the published work. REFERENCES 1 Hunt JR. On herpetic inflammations of the geniculate ganglion. A new syndrome and its complications. J Nerve Ment Dis 1907; 34 (2): 73-96. 2 Asnis DS, Micic L, Giaccio D. Ramsay Hunt syndrome isherpes zoster of the facial nerve, frequently associated with VIII cranial nerve involvement, but on rare occasions V, VI, IX, and X cranial nerves are affected as well. We present a case of a Ramsay Hunt syndrome with involvement of V, VII, and VIII cranial nerves.