The eyelids and periorbital tissues undergo significant changes with aging and often constitute a major concern for those seeking facial rejuvenation. Over the last decade, there has been a steady increase in the demand for lower eyelid rejuvenation. Many techniques and approaches exist to address these concerns, including both noninvasive (filler, lasers, or chemical resurfacing) and invasive (Blepharoplasty or midface lift) procedures. The danger of side effects when performing lower blepharoplasty has kept many patients and physicians away from the surgery, yet advances in lower eyelid blepharoplasty techniques made this procedure more relevant. The exact surgical approach remains controversial and is largely dependent upon surgeon preference and a patient’s cosmetic desire. Here we review the aging changes in the lower lid, indications, preoperative considerations, operative techniques, and complications of lower lid blepharoplasty.