Abstract-In this paper, we present a conceptual framework for using the Semantic Web to get student data from other educational institutions, enabling the educational institutions to communicate and exchange student data. Educational institutions could then use this information to adjust the students' profiles and modify their learning paths. Semantic Web will create a more personalized dynamic course for each student, according to his/her ability, educational level, and experience.Keywords-Adaptive Learning; dotNetRDF; Graphs; mLearning; Ontology; RDF; Semantic Web; Shortest Path; Turtle; User Profile.
IntroductionThroughout the most recent decades, numerous research studies have examined the possibilities of changing the educational instruction model from the customary onesize-fits-all model to a more adaptive and customized learning model. Most of the techniques calculate the optimal learning path, based on the characteristics in the 16 http://www.i-jim.orgPaper-Updating Student Profiles in Adaptive Mobile Learning using ASP.net MVC, dotNetRDF,… student's profile to make the course more personalized. However, we have not seen any technique that updates profiles dynamically using the Semantic Web to exchange information between educational institutions. The student profile contains information about the student (such as first name, last name, address, course units that have been completed, and grades of those course units). "eLearning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. In most cases, it refers to a course, program, or degree delivered completely online." [1]. This current model can be applied to mobile learning and eLearning in community colleges, as well as, in a typical graduate or undergraduate program at the university level for any course. Students could benefit from and personalize their college experience and graduate earlier by completing their requirements. However, this model does not apply to K-12 students, because they are outside the scope of our research. Adaptive learning is an educational method that aids students in the learning process according to their needs. In addition, adaptive learning assists instructors in conveying course content to their students in a personalized manner based on the students' ability and background. Furthermore, from a developer's point of view, adaptive learning is a technique using computers and other resources to assist in producing a better learning experience. One of the most challenging tasks for adaptive mobile learning is to create an adaptive course. Several researchers have used different techniques in order to make the course adaptive in terms of the course content and units. To the best of our knowledge, there has been no research that attempts to make the course adaptive in terms of previously completed materials by the students at another educational institution by using the Semantic Web to communicate directly with various educational institutions' systems to acquire the ...