Abstract-This paper proposes a markerless video analytic system for quantifying body part movements in pediatric epilepsy monitoring. The system utilizes colored pajamas worn by a patient in bed to extract body part movement trajectories, from which various features can be obtained for seizure detection and analysis. Hence, it is non-intrusive and it requires no sensor/marker to be attached to the patient's body. It takes raw video sequences as input and a simple user-initialization indicates the body parts to be examined. In background/foreground modeling, Gaussian mixture models are employed in conjunction with HSV-based modeling. Body part detection follows a coarse-to-fine paradigm with graphcut-based segmentation. Finally, body part parameters are estimated with domain knowledge guidance. Experimental studies are reported on sequences captured in an Epilepsy Monitoring Unit at a local hospital. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed system in pediatric epilepsy monitoring and seizure detection.