The stability of organic solar cells is strongly affected by the morphology of the photoactive layers, whose separated crystalline and/or amorphous phases are kinetically quenched far from their thermodynamic equilibrium during the production process. The evolution of these structures during the lifetime of the cell remains poorly understood. In this paper, a phase-field simulation framework is proposed, handling liquid-liquid demixing and polycrystalline growth at the same time in order to investigate the evolution of crystalline immiscible binary systems. We find that initially, the nuclei trigger the spinodal decomposition, while the growing crystals quench the phase coarsening in the amorphous mixture. Conversely, the separated liquid phases guide the crystal growth along the domains of high concentration. It is also demonstrated that with a higher crystallization rate, in the final morphology, single crystals are more structured and form percolating pathways for each material with smaller lateral dimensions. are known to show very poor efficiencies. More recently, for PCE11 (PffBT4T-2OD) -PCBM systems, demixing of donor and acceptor in the amorphous phase and subsequent aggregation of fullerenes has been proposed as the mechanism for strong burn-in degradation, on the basis of coupled GISAXS and GIWAXS experiments. [31] Different successful strategies have been then proposed to overcome this problem, such as adding a second acceptor, more compatible with the donor in order to stabilize the mixed phase [32][33][34][35] , the use of non-fullerene acceptors like IDTBR (rhodanine-benzothiadiazole-coupled indacenodithiophene) [36] or to kinetically quench the mixed phase. [37] These improvements are based on remarkable efforts to unravel the mechanisms of the PAL morphology formation and stability. On the one hand, they base on thermodynamic considerations such as miscibility of solvent, donor and acceptors [32,34,38,39] and the evaluation of phase diagrams [23][24]26,40,41] . On the other hand, the importance of the kinetic evolution towards the thermodynamic equilibrium during the deposition process and ageing, including possible transient or stable liquidliquid phase separation (LLPS) [42][43][44][45] , has been acknowledged and recently qualitatively taken into account for stability improvement [37] . Nevertheless, no general coherent physical framework has been proposed to understand the BHJ morphology formation and stability taking into account at the same time thermodynamic aspects such as liquid/amorphous phase stability and crystallinity and the kinetics of the system (kinetics + thermodynamics, crystallinity + miscibility). Therefore, the understanding of stability is still very material system-dependent. In the last decade, different simulation approaches have been proposed to contribute to the understanding of the BHJ formation and evolution in OPV systems. At the molecular scale, coarsegrained molecular dynamics (CGMD) [46][47][48] , dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) [49][50][51] or selfconsistent ...