Organic carbon (C) concentration evaluated by the Walkley-Black method, and total nitrogen (N) concentration determined by Kjeldahl method, were compared with corresponding results of C and N concentrations obtained through the dry combustion method (Elementar Vario EL analyzer), using samples of ten soil layers down to the depth of 107.5 cm of a kaolinitic Typic Paleudult (220-418 g clay kg -1 along the profile) subjected to no-till cropping systems [fallow bare soil, pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) plus maize, and lablab (Lablab purpureum L. Sweet) plus maize]. A close correlation (R 2 ≥ 0.96) was observed between the C results of the Walkley-Black and dry combustion methods, but a correction was suggested to be applied to C results of Walkley-Black (C = 1.05C W.Black + 0.47). A close correlation (R 2 ≥ 0.96) was also found between results of Kjeldahl-N and dry combustion-N, but no correction was necessary to be applied. The relationships between results of Walkley-Black and dry combustion and between results of Kjeldahl and dry combustion did not change among soil samples from different management systems, in disagreement to findings of a previous study where results of analytical C recovery were influenced by samples from different managements, supposedly because changes in lability or recalcitrance of organic matter might have affected the wet combustion reactions. A poor correlation (R 2 = 0.42) was found between the C:N ratios based on Walkley-Black and Kjeldahl analysis and the C:N ratios based on dry combustion analysis. The methods for C and N determination did not affect the interpretation of the effects of management systems on soil C and N stocks. Key words: Walkley-Black, Kjeldahl, wet combustion, dry combustion
COMPARAÇÃO DE MÉTODOS DE DETERMINAÇÃO DE CARBONO E NITROGÊNIO EM AMOSTRAS DE ARGISSOLO SOB PLANTIO DIRETORESUMO: Resultados de concentração de carbono (C), obtidos pelo método Walkley-Black, e resultados de concentração de nitrogênio (N) total, determinados pelo método Kjeldahl, foram comparados com os correspondentes resultados de C e N obtidos pelo método de combustão seca (analisador Elementar Vario EL), utilizando-se amostras de dez camadas de um Argissolo Vermelho até a profundidade de 107.5 cm (220-418 g argila kg -1 ao longo do perifl), manejado em sistemas de culturas de plantio direto [solo descoberto, guandu (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) mais milho, e lab lab (Lablab purpureum L. Sweet) mais milho]. Alta correlação (R 2 ≥ 0.96) foi observada entre os resultados de C-Walkley-Black e C-combustão seca. Uma correção foi sugerida para os resultados de C-Walkley-Black (C = 1.05C W.Black + 0.47). Elevada correlação (R 2 ≥ 0.96) também foi observada entre os resultados de N-Kjeldahl e Ncombustão seca, não sendo necessária a aplicação de uma correção aos resultados de N-Kjeldahl. A relação entre os resultados de Walkley-Black e combustão seca e entre os resultados de Kjeldahl e combustão seca não mudaram entre amostras de solo de diferentes sistemas de manejo, diferindo dos re...