It is frequent that test tools are basically indepen-the models. The amount of knowledge related to scenarios dent from the application domain. This is usually the case for modeling is huge. Reference [2] reports that a lot of effort has languages as well. This reflection becomes particularly relevant been invested in techniques and approaches related to modelfor validation tools, since the validation process is closely related to requirements. Therefore, test engineers must work at a much based testing and validation, with limited success. Some other lower level of abstraction than that of the system domain. interesting references are [31, [4] and [5]. Therefore the apThe problem is especially relevant when dealing with complex proach taken by this paper is to model the system in line with systems, in which hardware and software are closely related, acceptance tests requirements. That is, the effort is focussed such as ambient intelligence systems, automotive, power plants, on the system interface required to support acceptance testing telecommunication and autonomic systems in general.The authors of this paper claim that validation tools can and avoids describig system behavior and will be domain specific in the future. For this reason, According to reference [6] acceptance testing is focused they will have to include knowledge defined in the system on different types of requirements such as functional, perrequirements. As explained within this paper, this knowledge can be incorporated into the validation tools with limited involvement formance, man-machie interacton. Followig [6] the main from the test engineer. These domain specific-tools will make the goals of acceptance testing are: to verify the man-machine task easier for test engineers. This paper analyzes the different interactions, validate the required functionality of the system, kinds of knowledge involved in domain-specific validation tools, verify that the system operates within the specified constraints specifically acceptance testing tools. The knowledge is expressed and check the systems external interfaces. Our work is aligned in terms of requirements and models. This paper also presents a model driven engineering approach with ISO/JEC 12207, Software hfecycle processes [7] and to derive validation tools and environments from system models. ISO/JEC 15288:2002, System lifecycle processes [8]. To clarify This approach uses model transformations. Derivation can be issues of terminology, the term 'testing' will be used in performed in either a semiautomatic or fully automatic way de-this paper to indicate some activities required to support pending on the system characteristics. Through these approaches, validations, i.e. testing is not a different process to validation. software and systems engineers can access to domain-specific Tests are structured into test procedures and test procedures validation tools during the early stages of the system life cycle. Te ade stru mber o t est procedures a redurs are made of a number of steps. Test procedures...