This study investigated the use of vibrational spectroscopy (i.e. near infrared (NIR), Fouriertransform mid infrared (FT-MIR), Raman) and multivariate data analysis for (1) quantifying total trans fatty acids (TT) and (2) separately predicting naturally-occurring (NT; i.e. C16:1 t9; C18:1 trans-n, n=6…9, 10, 11; C18:2 trans) and industrially-induced TFAs (IT=TT-NT) in Irish dairy products i.e. butter (n=60), Cheddar cheese (n=44), dairy spreads (n=54).Results of gas-chromatography (GC) analysis were used as the chemical reference values.Butter, dairy spreads and Cheddar cheese separately contained TT around 4.42%, 0.70% and 3.04% of their total fatty acid methyl ester (%w/w FAME). Butter contained about 4.22% Prediction of NT, IT and TT in Cheddar cheese was with low accuracy due to interference from protein; in the case of dairy spreads and butter, prediction of IT was inaccurate due to the limitation of vibrational spectroscopy in predicting very low analyte contents (< 0.2% w/w of TFA).