Small-scale molecular systems biology, by which we mean the understanding of a how a few parts work together to control a particular biological process, is predicated on the assumption that cellular regulation is arranged in a circuit-like structure. Results from the omics revolution have upset this vision to varying degrees by revealing a high degree of interconnectivity, making it difficult to develop a simple, circuit-like understanding of regulatory processes. We here outline the limitations of the small-scale systems biology approach with examples from research into genetic algorithms, genetics, transcriptional network analysis, and genomics. We also discuss the difficulties associated with deriving true understanding from the analysis of large data sets and propose that the development of new, intelligent, computational tools may point to a way forward. Throughout, we intentionally oversimplify and talk about things in which we have little expertise, and it is likely that many of our arguments are wrong on one level or another. We do believe, however, that developing a true understanding via molecular systems biology will require a fundamental rethinking of our approach, and our goal is to provoke thought along these lines.
Why systems biology?For many years now, it has been de rigueur to begin any discussion of systems biology with the question, "So, what exactly is systems biology?" This question surely has many answers, but perhaps a more useful question might be, "Why do we need systems biology?" …or, more generally, "Why do we need anything new?" After all, the now-standard approaches from molecular biology have provided us with unprecedented knowledge of the inner workings of the cell, transforming our understanding of biology along the way. Armed with the tools of biochemistry, the scientists in the vanguard of molecular biology's golden era worked out the structure of DNA, the genetic code, how DNA is replicated, how genes express, how cells move, and countless other fundamental pieces of the machinery that makes cells work. Importantly, these discoveries enabled precise manipulations-using the genetic code, for instance, we can use our understanding of the cell's machinery to make our own proteins.With the development of these tools came the potential to carry out studies of ever greater scope (Snyder 2013). The paradigm here is the scientific story that connects, say, a mutation in a particular gene to an organismal phenotype via a biochemical mechanism. A shining example is that of cystic fibrosis, a heritable disease in which mutations to the CFTR gene, a cAMP-activated chloride channel, cause mucus to become sticky (among other effects), thus causing the human disease condition. Through careful molecular biology and biochemistry, scientists were able to delineate a clear path from mutation to biochemical defect to disease (Guggino and Stanton 2006). As the field matured, however, such examples became rarer and more tenuous; and there was a growing realization that further progress would requir...