The article describes the structure and composition of an automated emergency monitoring system (AEMS) with a radiation factor designed to perform prompt emergency rescue operations in radioactively contaminated territories (RCT) in Bryansk region and to localize emergency zones (EZ). The study analyzed scientifi publications and patents on radiation control and environmental monitoring in case of radiation emergencies. Territorial automated systems for monitoring radiation situations (ASMRS) and mobile means for monitoring radiation situations (RS) using unmanned aerial vehicles were explored. The integrated monitoring system for protecting the population (KSM-ZN), including in radioactively contaminated areas, in Bryansk region was described. Functions and structure of AEMS means were described. It was concluded that the AEMS can improve the effi ncy of response to radiation emergencies and decisionmaking in protecting the population and territory by transmitting real-time data on RS monitoring in the emergency zone and current assessment of the emergency and environmental situation for prompt notification about the danger.