The characterization and classification of white blood cells (WBC) is critical for the diagnosis of anemia, leukemia and many other hematologic diseases. We developed WBC-Profiler, an unsupervised feature learning system for quantitative analysis of leukocytes. We demonstrate that WBC-Profiler enables automatic extraction of complex signatures from microscopic images without human-intervention and thereafter effective construction of leukocytes profiles, which decouples large scale complex leukocytes characterization from limitations in both human-based feature engineering/optimization and the end-to-end solutions provided by modern deep neural networks, and therefore has the potential to provide new opportunities towards meaningful studies/applications with scientific and/or clinical impact 2 indication, diagnosis and evaluation of many conditions, including infection, inflammation and anemia. Among vari-3 ous hematology tests, the differential count of while blood cells (WBC) provides an important tool in diagnosing and 4 monitoring infection and leukemic disorders, and the ratio of various kinds of leukocytes are commonly used as impor-5 tant markers. For example, the neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is used as a marker of subclinical inflammation, 6 and recent studies suggest that increased NLR is independent predictor of mortality in patients undergoing angiogra-7 phy or cardiac revascularization [1], meanwhile it is also associated with poor prognosis of various cancers [2], such 8 as esophageal cancer [3] or advanced pancreatic cancer [4].9Accurate characterization, detection and classification of while blood cells into several categories, including Mono-10 cytes, Lymphocytes, Basophils, Eosinophils, Atypical lymphocytes and Neutrophilic granulocytes, is critical for the 11 ratio (proportion) assessment of leukocytes in blood cell slides. However, such a high-demanding task in clinical lab-12 oratory heavily relies on the manual annotation by pathologies, which is not only labor-intensive but also challenging 13 given the shortage of experienced medical experts in many clinical laboratories. To overcome these obstacles, many 14 efforts have been made towards the automatic blood cell classification. Among which, early development of com-15 mercial systems in 1970s failed to revolutionize the field due to the high price and low accuracy [5] of the products, 16 and Leuko, another commercial leukemia diagnosis system, was later on developed to reveal an improved accuracy 17 on cell classification based on naive Bayes classifiers. Meanwhile, research efforts on cell classification have also 18 1 been evolving from fuzzy logic techniques [6], support vector machines (SVMs) [7] to cellular neural networks [8]. 19 However, these works were mostly developed with a limited amount of data, and/or focused on images taken from 20 specified instruments, which leave their generalization capability insufficiently justified.
21Motivated by recent neuroscience findings [9, 10], unsupervised learning and deep le...