The emergence of low-cost cameras with nearly professional features in the consumer market represents a new important source of video information. For example, using an increasing number of these cameras in live TV broadcastings enables obtaining varied contents without affecting the production costs. However, searching for interesting shots (e.g., a certain view of a specific car in a race) among many video sources in real-time can be difficult for a Technical Director (TD). So, TDs require a mechanism to easily and precisely represent the kind of shot they want to obtain abstracting them from the need to be aware of all the views provided by the cameras.In this paper we present our proposal to help a TD to visually define, using an interface for the definition of 3D scenes, an interesting sample view of one or more objects in the scenario. We recreate the views of the cameras in a 3D engine and apply 3D geometric computations on their virtual view, instead of analyzing the real images they provide, to enable an efficient and precise realtime selection. Specifically, our system computes a similarity measure to rank the candidate cameras. Moreover, we present a prototype of the system and an experimental evaluation that shows the interest of our proposal.