SUMMARYMultiblock-structured meshes have significant advantages over fully unstructured meshes in numerical simulation but automatically generating these meshes is considerably more difficult. A method is described herein for automatically generating high-quality multiblock decompositions of surfaces with boundaries. Controllability and flexibility are useful capabilities of the method. Additional alignment constraints for forcing the appearance of particular features in the decomposition can be easily handled. Also, adjustments are made according to input metric tensor fields that describe target element size properties. The general solution strategy is based around using a four-way symmetry vector-field, called a cross-field, to describe the local mesh orientation on a triangulation of the surface. Initialisation is performed by propagating the boundary alignment constraints to the interior in a fast marching method. This is similar in a way to an advancing-front or paving method but much more straightforward and flexible because mesh connectivity does not have to be managed in the cross-field. Multiblock decompositions are generated by tracing the separatrices of the cross-field to partition the surface into quadrilateral blocks with square corners. The final task of meshing the decomposition requires solving an integer programming problem for block division numbers.