Compiler infrastructures are monolithic in design, and one cannot readily use any of the components without adopting the entire infrastructure. One crucial component is program analysis. However, since each compiler infrastructure's analyses are heavily integrated with its own unique intermediate representation (IR), the analyses cannot easily be extracted, and much duplicate effort occurs for each new infrastructure. Through the development of the OpenAnalysis toolkit, we are exploring a novel design strategy for program analysis software that introduces a new level of abstraction between analysis algorithms and the intermediate representations that they manipulate. Another important objective is to enable domain experts to easily specify domain-specific program analyses, thus reducing the program analysis learning curve for a broad spectrum of researchers, including computational scientists that need domain-specific analysis for program transformations such as parallelization, numerical optimization, and automatic differentiation.At Colorado State University, the OpenAnalysis project was supported through DOE grant DE-FG02-06ER25724 from March 2006 through February 2010. The OpenAnalysis project has contributed in the following main results:1. a public domain suite of software for program analysis (i.e. OpenAnalysis, UseOA-ROSE, UseOA-Open64) that is currently being used in software tools being developed at Argonne, 2. the development of linearity analysis for use in improving the performance of the adjoint code generated by automatic differentiation tools, 3. a domain-specific programming language based on set building notation for specifying dataflow analyses at a high-level of abstraction with a compiler that generates the full data-flow analysis implementation, 4. theory and a prototype implementation for performing data-flow program analysis of MPI programs, 5. and the development of a parallel, network protocol simulation framework (which turns out to be similar to data-flow analysis frameworks) in collaboration with networking researchers at CSU.The above research contributions have resulted in 10 conference and workshop publications [17,16,4,14,6,8,9,12,13,5], 2 journal papers [19,11], a master's thesis [10], a conference paper still in submission [2], and a journal paper under preparation [15]. At Colorado State University, this project supported one graduate student for four years, provided some summer salary for the PI, and provided some hourly support for an undergraduate research assistant.The remainder of this report provides more details about the main results from the OpenAnalysis project and also summarizes some of the lessons learned.