Currently, there are significant challenges faced machinery, if the farm land layout and the crop plantation can by the farming industry, not least of which are a reduction be structured. Primarily the aim is to achieve a desirable crop in the available labour workforce, and a more 'corporate' plantation pattern with respect to a global coordinate frame. style of farming. Such factors demand an increase in farming Determining the crop plantation patter is not a trivial task. It efficiency and productivity. This paper looks forward to the D es the crop itstiontour ma the task.tIc not too distant future, where the realisation of autonomous involves the land geometry, its contour map, the geometric farming will aid in the farming communities surviving as well as parameters of the available machinery and the crop being competing in the global market. In this work, the autonomous planted. In addition, a number of agronomical constraints farm is seen as a complex system-of-systems, where there is will play a role. Nevertheless, this task can be carried out offnecessarily a seamless integration of requirements, bringing line before crop plantation is started. It is obvious that, to entogether the areas of robotics for autonomous farming, and sure before crop layout, seed. It be cat, t Precision Agriculture (PA), which deals with issues of agron-sure a structured crop layout, seeding must be carried out as omy. In essence, agricultural robotics uses on-farm sensing and specified to ensure precision crop plantation. The complexity control to actuate autonomous farm machinery with the aim of the operation and the sub-inch precision required, rules of satisfying agronomy-based objectives. We initially describe out the human operators. Especially in broad acre farming, a system-of-systems architecture, or unified framework, where a vital building block is the existence of two data sets used operating massive machaiery generally rated around 200 to as links, or communication, between the various sub-systems. 400 horsepower, to maintain sub-inch seeding accuracy over These data sets include a Precision Farming Data Set (PFDS) often vast distances is impractical. Such accuracy essentially formed off-line before crop cultivation, containing spatially pre-requires autonomous agricultural vehicles. cise navigation data for any and all autonomous machinery, and At the research level, there are a number of fronts proa Precision Agriculture Data Set (PADS), which is a continually . .evolving entity consisting more of agronomy data in relation to gressing. Work in Precision Agriculture is, among other the crop. Secondly, research undertaken in autonomous farm things, constantly evolving to provide better and more inmachinery is highlighted, where we present a foundation for formation about the agronomic requirements of the crop the autonomous and robust control of articulated farm vehicles in order to produce maximum yield. In the development for real-time trajectory tracking in the presence of uncertain of precision autonomous machin...