This report summarizes the progress of SFR metallic fuel qualification related activities, which are focused on providing quality assurance relevant information applicable to experiments irradiated during the Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) program. A background of metallic fuel performance data and the associated databases, including the EBR-II Fuels Irradiation & Physics Database (FIPD) and Out-of-Pile Transient Database (OPTD), is included. The legacy data in the databases, including as-built, post-irradiation examination (PIE), operating parameters, and out-of-pile experiment data are introduced. The SFR metallic fuel Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPP) and its implementation to qualify these legacy data is described in detail. Important PIE data QA documents and the specifications of four types of PIE measurements (contact profilometry, laser profilometry, neutron radiography and gamma scan) are provided. Examples of the implementation of the QAPP to qualify each of those types of PIE data are provided.