The lungs and heart are targets of a myriad of life-threatening diseases. Chest radiography, one of the most common medical procedures worldwide, is a vital tool to study such conditions, since it is easy to perform and affordable. However, the high demand for Chest X-Ray (CXR) examinations creates a huge burden on radiologists, who could benefit from the support of new Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods.With the ongoing digital transformation in clinical practice chest radiographs are being stored in massive amounts, which can be collected and annotated to create large datasets with the goal of developing Deep Learning (DL) models. Such models can be applied in the task of pathology classification, for instance, to provide a second opinion or for patient stratification. Nevertheless, DL models are undergoing a limited implementation in real world scenarios, due to the lack of trustworthy explanations that provide insights about their reasoning. Consequently, DL generates reluctance in the medical community.The need for explanations generated a change of paradigm in DL, and an increasing focus in the topic of explainability. Several methods have been developed to accommodate this need, including model-agnostic methods that can be used with virtually any DL model. This also prompted the design of models capable of rendering better explanations, since providing further evidence alone is insufficient.In this work, Eye-Tracking Data (ETD) was used to train models with the goal of performing CXR pathology classification in a more explainable way. ETD consists, essentially, in a set of data points relative to the gaze fixations of radiologists, including the respective coordinates and time duration. ETD was converted to images, namely heatmaps, in order to be used with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). The first stage consisted in reconstructing the heatmaps using CXR images as inputs. This has the main advantage of making the proposed framework independent of the ETD during inference. Then, two approaches were developed. The first one consists in using the reconstructed heatmaps to segment the thorax in CXR images. By providing only the thorax area to a subsequent classifier, it is guaranteed that the model does not use irrelevant information present in other parts of the images. The second approach leverages the fact that reconstructed heatmaps contain higher pixel intensities in pathological areas, and multiplies them by the corresponding CXR images. Ultimately, the objective is to guide the classifier into focusing on important features for the prediction.Three ETD datasets available in the literature, EGD, REFLACX, and CXR-P, were used to train and/or test the models. Furthermore, several experiments were performed to select the best architectures for both the heatmap reconstruction and pathology classification tasks. A UNet with a pretrained DenseNet121 encoder was chosen for the first task, and a pretrained EfficientNet-b0 as the classifier for both approaches. The developed models were compared with the st...