In the field of integrated circuits (IC) reverse engineering, accurate IC die image segmentation is critical for ensuring trust and detecting counterfeits. This study introduces a deep learning-based methodology utilizing a U-Net Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) tailored for IC image segmentation. Our model excels in processing complex IC images with noise, achieving superior segmentation accuracy. The model was evaluated on a dataset of 512 × 512 pixel IC die images, achieving a mean Intersection over Union (IoU) of 81.2%, which is a significant improvement over traditional image processing techniques that achieve an IoU around 65.3%. During training, the model’s Dice Loss showed a sharp decrease, as depicted in the provided graph, highlighting the model’s ability to effectively learn and refine segmentation boundaries. Simultaneously, the training accuracy, as illustrated in the accompanying accuracy graph, improved steadily, reaching approximately 60% but still rising. This convergence of Dice Loss and the upward trend in accuracy demonstrate the model’s robust performance across varying noise levels and its effectiveness in producing precise segmentation outputs. This work underscores the effectiveness of CNNs, particularly the U-Net architecture, in enhancing the accuracy and reliability of IC die image analysis, paving the way for improved IC manufacturing quality assurance.