Ozetce Bu qali*mada, eski renkli filmlerde leke ,eklindeki bozukluklarin otomatik olarak algilanmasi i,in bir yontem onerilmi,tir. Ilk once, imge dizisindeki gurultunun azaltilmasi i,in, hareket kestiriminden bagimsiz yerel-olmayan ortalamalar yontemi kullanilmi*tir. Daha sonra, lekeli bolgelerde hatali bir ,ekilde kestirilen hareket vektorlerinin, hareket gezingesinin zamansal sulrekliligi dikkate alinarak, yeniden kestirilmesi saglanmi*tir. Son olarak ise, renkli imge dizilerine kolay bir ,ekilde uyarlanabilen ani gulrulltul algilama indisi (AGAI) yontemiyle filmdeki bozukluklar algilanmi*tir. Yontemin ba*arimi, yapay olarak bozukluk eklenmi, ve ger,ek bozukluk i,eren filmlerde test edilmi, ve elde edilen sonu,lar gosterilmi,tir.
AbstractIn this work, an algorithm is proposed for the automatic detection of defects such as blotches in old color films. First, non-local means method, which does not require motion estimation, is used for noise removal in image sequence. After that, motion vectors that are incorrectly estimated within defect regions are reestimated by taking into account the temporal continuity of motion trajectory. Finally, defects in films are detected by spike detection index (SDI) method, which are easily adapted to color image sequences.Performance of the method is tested on artificially corrupted and real films, and obtained results are demonstrated.