Abstract-This paper presents a system for the detection of ships and oil spills using side-looking airborne radar (SLAR) images. The proposed method employs a two-stage architecture composed of three pairs of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Each pair of networks is trained to recognize a single class (ship, oil spill, and coast) by following two steps: a first network performs a coarse detection, and then, a second specialized CNN obtains the precise localization of the pixels belonging to each class. After classification, a postprocessing stage is performed by applying a morphological opening filter in order to eliminate small look-alikes, and removing those oil spills and ships that are surrounded by a minimum amount of coast. Data augmentation is performed to increase the number of samples, owing to the difficulty involved in obtaining a sufficient number of correctly labeled SLAR images. The proposed method is evaluated and compared to a single multiclass CNN architecture and to previous state-of-the-art methods using accuracy, precision, recall, F-measure, and intersection over union. The results show that the proposed method is efficient and competitive, and outperforms the approaches previously used for this task.