As information cascades across the Internet and human communication patterns are transposed into computer-mediated environments, governments around the globe race to garner the benefits of ICTs and Web-based communications (Bannister & Walsh, 2002; Chadwick & May, 2002; Falch & Henten, 2000; Heeks, 2002; Ma, Chung, & Thorsona, 2005). Increasingly sophisticated user-citizens can now access numerous electronic services, collect policy-relevant information, and communicate with governments through electronic channels (Dahlberg, 2001; Lenk, 2003). Contemporary e-government, while variable across states, has evolved significantly in the last decade, pursing increasing transparency and accountability through the implementation of various e-government measures (Jaeger & Thompson, 2003; Reddick, 2005). While theoretical contentions concerning the authenticity of e-democracy have yet to abate, collections of policy actors that seek entrance and participation in the public policy process have also emerged online (Chadwick & May, 2002; Della Porta & Mosca, 2005; Klein, 2002). This article considers these online policy communities.