<span>The arabic sign language (ArSL) is the natural language of the deaf community in Arabic countries. ArSL suffers from a lack of resources such as unified dictionaries and corpora. In this work, a dictionary of Arabic language to ArSL has been constructed as a part of a translation system. The Arabic words are converted into hamburg notation system (HamNoSys) using eSign editor Software. HamNoSys was used to create manual parameters (handshape, hand orientation, hand location, and hand movement), while non-manual parameters (facial expressions, shoulder raising, mouthing gesture, head tilting, and body movement) added by using (mouth, face, and limbs) in the eSign editor software. The sign then converted to the sign gesture markup language (SiGML) file, and later 3D avatar interprets the SiGML file scripts to the animated sign. The constructed dictionary has three thousand signs; therefore, it can be adopted for the translation system in which written text can be transformed into sign language and can be utilized for the education of deaf people. The dictionary will be available as a free resource for researchers. It is hard and time-consuming work, but it is an essential step in machine translation of whole Arabic text to ArSL with 3D animations. </span>