Abstract. Let 7" be an eight-dimensional, connected, locally compact ternary field and let F denote a connected closed Lie subgroup of its automorphism group which is taken with the compact-open topology. It is proved that if the ternary fixed field .Tr of F is connected, then P is either isomorphic to one of the compact Lie groups G2 or SUaC, or the (covering) dimension of I ~ is at most 7.Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 51A35, 12J99, 22E99. This paper continues the study of automorphism groups F of eight-dimensional locally compact connected ternary fields T in the sense of [14] and [3]. Throughout the paper we shall assume that F is a closed subgroup of the (locally compact) automorphism group of T. We shall work with the following definition of a topological temary field, compare [16, 7.2].(1) DEFINITION. A ternary field 7" = (T, 0, 1, 7-) consists of a set T containing the two distinct elements 0 and I and a temary operation 7-: T 3 ~ T: (8, z, t) 7-(8, z, t) which satisfies the following axioms: (T1) 7-(0, x, t) = 7-(x, 0, t) = t andT-(8, 1, 0) = 7-(1, 8, 0) = 8 for all 8, x, t c T.(T2) For any elements 8, x, y E T there exists a unique element t = t (s, x, y) in T such that 7-(8, x, t) = y.(T3) For any elements st, 82, tl, t2 C T with Sl ~ 82 there exist unique elements x = x(81, tl, ~2, t2) and8 = s(81, tl, 82, t2)inTsuchthatT-(si, x, ti) = y and 7-(s, 81, t) = tl holds for some y, t E Tandi = 1, 2.A temary field T is called topological if T is provided with a topology being neither discrete nor indiscrete such that the map 7-and its inverse mappings t, x and s are continuous. Using the terminology and notation of [3] the main results of the articles mentioned above are collected in the following (2) THEOREM. The following conclusions hoM:(a) dim F G 14.